Fun Facts About Whale Watching in Bermuda

During the months of March and April, Bermuda becomes much more than its pink beaches and pristine waters. Upon the arrival of late winter or early spring, the South Shore practically transforms into a whale sanctuary, making it another popular tourist attraction on the island. Whale watching in Bermuda is a must-do activity especially if you want to observe these majestic creatures at their natural habitat.

What Makes the Whales Come to the South Shore?

Just like the dolphins, humpback, blue, and northern whales pass along the Gulf Stream of Bermuda on their way to the Arctic region in search for nutrient-rich polar waters or better feeding grounds. They travel 16,000 miles in this journey, which makes it the longest mammal migration in the world and third in the animal kingdom.

The Gulf Stream’s warm currents and the clear blue waters make Bermuda the ideal migration route of whales. This whale migration is also regarded as an Exclusive Economic Zone under the order of the Fisheries Act.

Whale Mating and Calving

Whales are particularly fond of the Caribbean tropical zone during winter for mating. Even scientists argue that whales prefer mating and calving in tropical zones during winter and move to northern waters in the summer when they want to feed. One of the many reasons Bermuda is an excellent destination for whale watching is because it becomes a calving ground for humpback whales. Oftentimes, tourists can see adult whales frolicking with their calves in the water.

Humpback whales can be easily recognized from other whales. First, their tail flukes have distinct black and white markings on the underside, which can also be used to identify individual whales. Second, they have bumps on their flattened heads and have long white flippers. Humpback whales are also naturally playful. They tend to slap their tails on the water surface and sometimes swim upside down and throw their flippers up in the air. They also blow a stream of spray that can rise to more than 12 feet above the water. After blowing for around four times, these whales often dive back into the water and remain there for around 15 minutes.

Ways to Enjoy Whale Watching in Bermuda

There are a few ways to enjoy watching whales on the island. If you are riding a motorbike or have availed one of those yacht rentals in Bermuda, you can stop on various points and see the whales from afar. You can also join eco-tours that can take you off the South Shore Coast where you’ll catch the best whale watching experience. Heading to the Sargasso Sea is also ideal for whale watching because the water visibility is high during winter, allowing you to clearly see the whales even up to 100 feet below the surface through a glass-bottom boat.

If you want a veteran crew with years of local experience to lead your whale-watching escapade, Pier 41 Marina is an excellent choice. With their crew at the helm, you can be guaranteed of a once-in-a-lifetime experience and safe observation of the humpback whale. Pier 41 Marina is dedicated to responsible wildlife viewing and strictly adheres to the internationally recognized whale-watching best practices and guidelines.

If you are planning a trip to Bermuda during late winter or early spring, then make sure you include whale watching in your list of activities.
